Per Click Advertising
PPC search
engine internet marketing is about using the power of pay per click
advertising - Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing (formerly Overture)
etc. - to generate cheap, targeted traffic to your website. And
this free article shows you how to get going with pay per click
search engines, example pay per click management tools and more.
Pay Per Click Advertising
to pay per click advertising
Pay per click
advertising started with Goto (which changed its name to Overture
and is now called Yahoo! Search Marketing). But pay-per-click didn't
really take off until search engine heavyweight Google got involved
with Google Adwords. It's reported that Google makes billions each
year through its pay per click program and that internet advertising
overtook more traditional forms of advertising as long ago as 2006.
When you consider
that this is more or less the first form of marketing where you
can actually measure results in real-time (more or less), then you
know that advertising has changed forever and you need to get involved.
Pay per click marketing is not going away!
And that's
simply because pay-per-click search engines offer the promise of
guaranteed visitors for the keywords of your choice! (All you have
to do is convert!)
Choose to
use pay per click advertising wisely!
There are literally
hundreds of pay per click search engines available for you to spend
your money. I suggest you only bother with the few I mention on
this page to begin with. They provide guaranteed traffic and reduce
so-called click-fraud (especially (Yahoo Search Marketing aka Overture
and Google Adwords)
Yahoo! Search Marketing
Yahoo Search
Marketing (formerly Overture) is the original pay per click advertising
program. However, its popularity as a marketing tool has probably
been surpassed by the superior Google Adwords product.
Yahoo! Search
Marketing is also one of the most expensive, and competitive. A
quotation taken from their sign-up page:
$50 initial deposit is non-refundable and will be applied
to click-throughs or to the minimum monthly spend. Each
account has a $20 minimum monthly spend. There is a
minimum bid requirement of $0.10 per click-through."
Like Google
Adwords, it has tough anti-fraud measures in place - always evolving,
obviously - so there is far less chance of receiving so called 'bogus
clicks' than when using other pay-per-click search engines. Similarly
the best pay per click management tools work with it, helping you
save time and money.
And Yahoo!
Search Marketing has an impressive search engine reach, with its
results found in 'Sponsored Listings' in many search engines.
If you are serious about generating targeted traffic to your site,
but less bothered about minimum (or maximum!) bid amounts etc. then
you should consider signing-up with Yahoo!
Search Marketing.
Google AdWords
Google popularised
ppc search engine internet marketing with Google Adwords. AdWords
ads appear on the Google search engine itself, as part of the search
engine listings (right-hand-side), as well as on other search engines
(known as Search Network) and other content sites (known as Content
Network - an example of content network site would be this very
website, How I Promote
My Website!)
Unlike other
programs, Google AdWords doesn't always list the highest bidded
term first (see 'the basics of bidding on pay per click' below for
details). In Google's words:
great results in AdWords doesn't necessarily
mean spending a lot either. The AdWords system
rewards the best-performing ads."
Definitely consider signing-up to Google AdWords,but learn how
to make the most of your Adwords campaign first via a suitable tutorial
or learning resource first!
Recommended ===
Learn more about using pay per click search
- If
you want to learn much more about Google AdWords
then I recommend you take a look at the following learning
1.a) Free
5-day Google AdWords email course
-- by Perry Marshall
these Google
Adwords Super Tips for a free sampler!)
1.b) Unleash
the Power of Google AdWords
-- by Andrew Goodman
- If
you want to learn more about the pay per click tools you
can including how to determine the best keywords then take
a look at these pay
per click advertising tools.
- SpeedPPC
is a new tool sold by two highly trusted names in affiliate
marketing, Jay Stockwell ( and Allan
Gardyne (
It aims to remove the drudgery out of Pay-Per-Click advertising,
so if you're a heavy PPC user you'll probably see the benefits
of this tool straight away...
I have not used this tool, yet, but it is getting very good
reviews from those that have.
- finally,
after several years of promoting my various websites, I
now have no hesitation in recommending a paid-for subscription
to Planet
Ocean's Search Engine News Optimization & Marketing
for anyone who wants to move past the basics of website
promotion (which includes keeping up to date with pay per
click advertising).
Recommended ===
Miva (formerly
Espotting and Findwhat) is the self-proclaimed number one pay per
click search engine in Europe. Its results appear on many major
search engines as well as thousands of relevant smaller sites too.
A serious contender in Europe, worth considering.
More Pay Per Click Advertising
There are
other pay per click advertising opportunities worth considering.
All of the pay per click search engines listed below have considerable
reach, and can guarantee visitors to your site (often at a much
cheaper cost Yahoo! or Adwords.).
The Basics of Bidding
on 'Pay Per Click'
Using Yahoo!
Search Marketing (formerly Overture) as an example here, making
a bid is simply a matter of choosing the following:
* K e y w
o r d
* T i t l e
* D e s c r i p t i o n
And as Yahoo
Search Marketing recommends on its site, always repeat the keyword
in both the title and description to improve your chances of a click.
Yahoo! Search Marketing also comes with a keyword suggestion tool.
Choose your
keywords wisely
Choosing your
keywords, and the amount you are willing to bid is also simple,
but can take a lot of time.
This is because
you need to research suitable in-demand keywords, that cost
little. Solutions to this problem include using the paid-for version
of Wordtracker - this excellent keyword suggestion tool allows you
to brainstorm good keywords, and determine the current cost of the
top 20 bids. You might also want to use bid management software.
Find more pay-per-click
search engine tools, including Wordtracker, and keyword generation
resources at pay
per click advertising tools
Bid carefully
Make sure you
don't spend too much money.
Clicks can
add up quickly. It's probably worth investing in some kind of pay
per click management software, or at least worth using the built-in
pay per click tools provided by search engines like Yahoo! Search
Marketing and Adwords.
Remember, you
ONLY want your prospective customers to click. And you must know
the value of your visitor!
The best way
to achieve success at the pay-per-click search engines is to bid
on many listings, but bid low...
Pay per
click bid management
Unless you
are a huge company, you will want to bid low and bid often. And
this may mean you need to utilise the services of a pay-per-click
bid management program, to optimise your efforts.
There are many
such bid management tools, and I suggest you take a look at the
example given below to see how well it suits your needs (or compares
to another pay per click management software)
- Example
of bid management software for Yahoo! Search Marketing (Formerly
Professional search
engine marketing firms
Keyword research,
writing good pay per click advertisements, bid management... - if
it's all sounding like too much hard work, then that's where a professional
search engine marketing firm comes in. But beware! Always look
for client testimonials. Always look to see if they use pay
per click advertising themselves. And always see if they will offer
some free information first (that proves they know what they're
talking about).
I'd also encourage
you to seek out qualified professionals, too. For example,
Google runs an Adwords
Professionals program that requires its professionals have a
minimum number of clients, a minimum spend, and to have passed a
written exam.
One such search
engine marketing firm that I can recommend (for Google Adwords,
as well as search engine optimization marketing in general would
be 22M, run by
Jackie Hole). I can vouch for her adwords
training and Adwords
consultancy services as I have used them, and she is a Google
Qualified Adwords Consultant.
You can do
this yourself and become a professional -- I have some further learning
resources below -- or you can simply hire the services of a professional.
But I politely suggest you do one or the other. PPC search engine
internet marketing is here to stay! Even experts in search
engine optimization use pay per click! Remember that.
To learn more
about pay per click advertising see the Recommended section above,
for a list of hand-picked resources.
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